Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're Still Here

This pic is from Lainey's dance recital a couple days ago.
We're alive and well. I'm just being a slacker in the D world-- with blogging, Facebook, and the Sunday Night Chat.
These last two weeks, I just don't want to talk about diabetes. Any of you feel like that? Probably everyday, huh. Some days it's all I can do to check Lainey's sugar and give her a dose of insulin. I don't want diabetes to be the #1 thing in our lives, but sometimes that can't be helped.
Lainey's numbers have been higher than normal too. We see the Endo at the end of the month, and I'm not looking forward to her A1C result.
Ah well...
I'm just typing what's on my mind.
Lainey is very excited about Christmas: the tree, the lights, her presents. We're gluing cotton balls on Santa's beard to count the days until Christmas. And the best part--we're going to AZ for the holidays. I need some warm weather!


LaLa said...

So glad to hear all is well with you. We are here when you feel like chatting. Merry Christmas!

Love the cotton ball idea!!

Meri said...

I've missed you! Lainey looks so tall!

I'm with you on the warm, I could use some! It was in the 20's this morning...IN CALIFORNIA!! So wrong on so many levels...

Kelly said...

AZ?? Wendy and I are in AZ!! I say we have a lunch date one day if you have time!

Hallie Addington said...

I hear you! I've had it with the cold - and diabetes too, at times. What a beautiful princess!!

Wendy said...

I love Santa's beard :) That's so cute!

We need to get together while you're here! Tracy is in AZ too!!!!

I understand not wanting to talk shop. I was in the phase for awhile too...I think we all cycle through it. But we're always here :)

Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

I could have written this post--minus the Arizona trip but that sure sounds nice! Anyway sometimes it is nice to pretend D isn't there. You are doing a great job! HUGS!

Beth said...

I'm on a diabetes-burnout cycle myself, so I understand completely. I've backed away from all things internet-ish to some extent, as well.

I'm another Arizonan, so give a shout when you are here. Kelly, Wendy, Tracy, you, me....that would be a truly blog-worthy meet up! :)

Oh, and it's not especially warm here at the moment, at least not to us. Everyone elsewhere is laughing, but we're all cold. :)

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