Sunday, May 2, 2010

1st Arm Pump Site

After meeting Shannon and her Little Princess, Lainey wanted her "pump in my arm just like my friend." So we did and she loves it. Lainey is very proud and has been showing everyone she sees, lifting up her sleeve so they can get a good look.
I'm so proud of my brave little girl.


Heather said...

My daughters favorite spot is on her arm too!

Meri said...

Look at that adorable little haircut!! She is so sweet!

Congrats on the new site! I know what a milestone it is!!

Meridith said...

awww, good job Lainey!!

Sarah said...

hi there...just happened upon your blog while blog hopping with diabetes week. I think we've run across eachother's path at CWD...
anyhow, I'd love to know how you do the tubing with an arm site. Isaac currently loves his thigh, but with wanting to start potty training it might have to go for a while to another spot. I'd love any tips for trying the arm.

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